Friday, December 12, 2008
AFA Members & Friends @ AAEP
Monday, December 1, 2008
AFA goes live on YouTube, Register ONLINE for the Convention
Great educational programs and events are happening in every moment at the AFA Convention. Just look at the schedule! It is up to YOU and you alone to make the AFA your best educational tool. You can start by showing up at the convention, getting involved and proactively participating.
Monday, November 10, 2008
British Farrier reviews AFA Certification
On Friday, November 7th, Candidates worked on shoemaking and tooled up for the Practical Exam. During the day an informal clinic took place with Bryce Burnett demonstrating the standard required to pass the test while I explained the procedure for the test itself. I emphasized to Candidates the importance of being aware of the clock during every stage of their work, getting done within the time allowed is a requirement to passing, it is also one of the biggest challenges. I encouraged Candidates to complete each stage of the test start to finish before moving on to the next stage. Bryce, however, pointed out that sometimes you can’t get things just as you like and have to simply finish as best you can and move on because you are balancing time and quality at every moment.
The key to passing Certification, like anything else in life worth achieving is PREPAREDNESS. To try to master skills necessary for a passing grade the day before the test is too late; they are obtained by many hours in the forge, across the anvil and under hoof with the mentoring of those who have already proven they can meet the standard and pass the test.
It was very frustrating to sit and watch Candidates who do good work fail to reach the standard because of a few basic elements missing in their skill set; proper tool maintenance, finishing techniques and building sole relief into their shoes to name a few. These things are easily mastered at home and add the few points needed that cause most farriers to miss the mark.
As Mr. Newman and I watched Candidates practice from a distance, we determined that just by observing their sequence in building shoes, along with looking at their tools we could almost evaluate the resulting shoe as positioning, tools, heats and hammer blows are all clearly revealed in the finished product.
Most of the Candidates seemed to suffer from a lack of proper forging techniques in all aspects of the Practical Test. This makes the Shoe Display one of the most difficult parts of the CF Test to pass. I would urge ALL Candidates to seek out someone to help them prepare for these demanding sections of the test, including an objection evaluation of their work prior to presenting it to Examiners at a test site.
The highlight of the Written Test on Friday night was a high score of 90 earned by Miguel Rodriquez on the CJF exam.
An early start met Candidates on Saturday morning with Practical Exams. They began with CF Candidates taking their live shoeing and Journeyman Candidates in the forges with their Bar Shoes. The 2nd round of testing had CJF Candidates under horses en route to their new designations if they made the grade.
Candidate Lloyd Phillips made us all proud when he passed his Journeyman Practical. Lloyd’s personal perseverance and determination is exemplary and trait that farriers need concerning this test. We have a voluntary test with a high standard, the most meaning it has is that which we give to ourselves. Lloyd expressed that. He had taken the test five times previously only to end in disappointment. Yet Lloyd DID NOT BLAME THE TEST OR THE TESTERS, he instead used that experience to dig deeper and find the resolve to master the skills he needed to pass the test. He worked very hard to improve his skills and time management and now will join the distinguished group of AFA Certified Journeyman Farriers. Thank you Lloyd for showing us all the results of time well spent and congratulations on earning your CJF.
Mr. Newman observed the AFA testing procedures, score sheets and actual examples of scored feet compared to the score sheets themselves. At one point, Mr. Newman and I found ourselves in front of an example of Journeyman work on the table. I picked up two blank score sheets, filled one out myself and challenged Newman to the complete the other. I felt confident that Mr. Newman had a clear understanding of the AFA Standard from the time we had spent together. This was evidenced when the score sheets were totaled and compared and Mr. Newman and I scored the Journeyman Bar Shoe exactly the same. Later in the day, when the Testers scored the same Bar Shoe they too were within 2 points of ours; all agreed on the pass or fail of that particular shoe. All in all, I was most pleased to see that the standardization of AFA scores and the explanations of the AFA scoring system have become more unified.
WEG update regarding volunteer Farriers
The WEG is in the final stages of completing their volunteer online sign-up forms and registration for the 2010 Games. All AFA members interested in volunteering will first need to fill out this online form for consideration. As soon as this system is live the AFA will alert the membership.
Be sure to check the Farrier Facts Blog regularly for more AFA updates.
With kindest regards to all, Andrew.
Monday, November 3, 2008
AFA policing Credentials, Horse Owners need to check farrier Credentials too!
Recently, the following ad appeared publicly on Craigslist:
Certified farrier looking to to fill his book
Reply to: sale-831762984@craigslist.orgDate: 2008-09-07, 4:59PM
hello my name is mike hill i have been a professinal farrier for 7 years . i'am afa certfied and also bwfa certified . i have shoed a variety of horses from english horses to western performance also . i charge 100 for a full set of shoes and 75 for just the front and trim the hind feet , and 45 for a trim . i would greatly appericate your busniess . if you have any question please call me at 602 373 0199
Location: west valley
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Original URL:
At first glance, you might think, wow, this guy’s new to the area, inexpensive, well credentialed and trying to get a foothold with the local equine community; NOT! He claims to be AFA Certified; NOT!
The ad was brought to the AFA’s attention by AFA members in the Arizona area that were not able to validate Mike Hill’s claim to be an AFA Certified Farrier. Upon investigation and phone calls with Mike Hill no record of him ever taking an AFA Certification test exists, nor could he provide an AFA member number, date or place of his supposed Certification.
The AFA’s Certification Program is the highest standard of farriery achievable in the US. The program has many documents, checks and balances to record every bit of farrier’s work throughout the process to ensure only the most qualified pass. Nearly every AFA CF and CJF can tell you where and when they passed, as well as the Examiner on site. Mike Hill could not.
Certified Farriers are highly sought after for their talent and skills. As a Certified Journeyman Farrier myself, I always encourage horse owner’s to be proactive in eliciting the best farriery work for their horse(s).
The AFA Certification standard represents an assurance of quality and professionalism to the horse owner and is a modicum of genuine care toward the horse itself. The AFA will take every action to legally protect the high standard of AFA Certification. We extend the same to horse owners and farriers with any suspicion regarding AFA Credentials - simply call or email the AFA Office with any questions or go to the AFA “Find A Farrier“ on the AFA website.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Mid-Year Report from Chattanooga
Dear AFA Members,
This past weekend in Chattanooga your AFA Officers and the Board of Directors gathered for our Mid-Year meeting. It was a productive time which began with a moment of silence to remember our beloved Past-President Allen Smith who passed away earlier this year. Allen served to two terms as President and Chaired the By-Laws Committee. We honored the spirit of Allan’s leadership style and work ethic by renaming the AFA’s Administrative Award in his honor.
The meeting got under with the reading of Officer’s reports. The Treasurer’s Report remained optimistic as Mr. Blombach emphasized he is fastidiously monitoring the bottom line in the current economic slowdown.
Among the actions taken by BoD, the most debated and divided was the proposed By-Law amendment to open the offices of President, President-Elect & Vice-President to members who are Certified, not only to Certified Journeyman Farriers.
During the debate, it was very clear how respected the talent of CFs is and that when a farrier passes the AFA Certification exam and earns his or her CF they are a highly qualified farrier. However, the majority felt that to represent the AFA in a leadership capacity one should be a CJF. Excelling through the rigors of achieving Journeyman status is certainly an experience one would draw upon in future leadership endeavors, as it is a true test of skill, ingenuity and determination.
The lack of nominated candidates for AFA Office will no doubt keep this debate in the forefront. The amendment did not pass and the By-Law remains that AFA Officers in succession for the Presidency must be CJFs. Please contact your area reps and let them know your feelings on this issue.
Among the chief concerns of the BoD … COMMUNICATION WITH MEMBERS! The BoD made it crystal clear to the Professional Farrier & NoFootNoHorse publisher that it is imperative to deliver the newsletter and magazine in a timely manner on a regular schedule to all members. The PF is in continual need of new articles. If you have material to share please send it to The AFA’s #1 asset is the skill and talent of its members. Recording and sharing your shoeing experiences will serve to help other farriers, improve hoof care for horses and give you credibility as a “published” writer! Writing for the PF is a win-win-win.
Additionally, the BoD voted to accept two new endorsements for CJFs; Specialty Forging & Educator:
The Specialty Forging Endorsement will be comprised of a two-part exam for a total fee of $100. It will require the following of Candidates:
Part One: Produce and submit 7 high quality horseshoes created from past AFA contest shoes along with a detailed article about forging one of the shoes. Shoes and article will be evaluated by a panel of 3 AFA Examiners; Bob Medaris, Dusty Franklin and Jason Harmeson. Upon completion of 7 PASSING shoes and a detailed article on one, the Candidate will proceed to Part Two.
Part Two: Candidate will attend a Certification at which he or she will be tasked with completing 2 shoes on-site within one hour. The shoes will be selected by the Examiner from the current Specialty Forging list at that time. If shoes are completed within the specified time period, said shoes will then be sent for evaluation by a panel of 3 AFA Examiners.
Upon the successful completion of Parts one & two within a two-year-period the Candidate will be presented with an AFA Specialty Forging Endorsement.
The Educator’s Endorsement is in the hands of Mitch Taylor, CJF & Pat Gallahan, CJF who will be forthcoming with specific details on how CJFs can attain this endorsement.
The BoD sees these new endorsements as a way to recognize specific and additional skills possessed by Certified Journeyman Farriers.
The remainder of the afternoon session was spent updating the AFA Policy Manual with the help of Parliamentarian Steve Small. The Policy Manual is now up-to-date with an accurate recording of previous motions passed.
All in all, the spirit of the meeting was one of cooperation and optimism.
If you have any further questions, concerns, suggestions and /or ideas please contact your BoD representative. In the meantime, let’s continue to work together and make AFA best farriery organization on the planet!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Driving to Work ...
My vet’s practice is 38 miles from my farm, each time he services our horses the call charge alone is $90. This is a smart charge on his part and well worth every penny; he helps keep my horses happy and healthy. The Doctor is a well-educated expert, his time valuable and the cost of fuel a pre-visit cash outlay to him. UPS and FedEx service my mail accounts, they take the pressure off me to get important packages delivered on time. I gladly pay UPS and FedEx a pick-up charge and a fuel surcharge to ensure my peace of mind regarding delivery.
My point is that I am used to paying call charges and fuel surcharges, I incorporate them into the cost of doing business and consider them part of the investment I make in my business. The rest of the world is accustomed to the same …
With the rising cost of fuel and the subsequent increase in the price of all of my farrier supplies, I started applying a call and fuel charge to all of my clients’ invoices. This covers my driving time, tolls and fuel. I arrive at the job happier and my customer’s know I’ll get there on time; they pay their bills with the add-ons and a thank you note. You can do the same …
The Drive Pricing website will help you with this. Start by adding your starting point. Then, enter your destination. Next, enter your ZIP, along with your rig’s miles per gallon and grade of fuel you use. You can select one-way or round-trip. I charge for a round-trip. When you click Go, you'll see how many miles you'll be traveling and the cost of fuel.
Here is the link:
Saturday, August 9, 2008
American Farriers Team, Standardization Clinic, Membership & More ….
The American Farrier’s Team: The AFT fared well in the grueling 4-day marathon of furious forging at The World Champion Blacksmiths’ Competition held July 3-6, 2008 at the legendary Calgary Stampede. With every hammer blow and drop of sweat, each team member had their speed, skill and spirit tested and tried from top to bottom. The AFT managed to conquer the high altitude, hot tempers and demanding environment by earning honors throughout, among the highlights:
Jake Engler: Winner Rookie Award - 3rd Speed Forging - 3rd Two Man Team Shoe (with Gene Lieser) - 4th Forging Front Work Horse 1 - 6th Forging Front Draft Scotch Bottom - 8th overall!
Troy Price: 1st Two Man Team Shoe (with Jim Foy) - 2nd Forging Front Work Horse 2 - 4th Speed Forging - 6th Forging Front Work Horse 1 - 8th Two man Team Tongs (with Jim Foy) - 10th overall!
Jim Foy: 1st Two Man Team Shoe (with Troy Price) - 5th Forging Light Front Draft - 8th Two Man Team Tongs (with Troy Price) - 12th overall!
Gene Lieser: 3rd Two Man Team Shoe (with Jake Engler)
8th Shoe to Fit - 9th Forging Front Draft Scotch Bottom - 16th overall!
Together, the AFT placed 5th in Four-Man Team Draft Horse Shoeing. Jake, Jim, Troy & Gene’s next competition is the at the International Team Horseshoeing Championship in Stoneleigh, England August 21-24, 2008.
STANDARDIZATION CLINIC: Despite a raging toothache….I made it through the bi-annual Standardization Clinic for AFA Examiners. Over 15 CJFs’ flew into to Oklahoma from all over the US for a jam packed two days. Together, we scrutinized and reviewed every aspect of the AFA scoring system in an effort to gain continuity in test scores across the country. Here is a brief synopsis of our activities and the updates you will see as a result of this clinic:
Practical shoeing exam: Two horses were shod, each examiner filled out their own score sheet, we then compared and discussed the differences in what we saw and how we scored the work. As a result, a written statement will be produced giving clear instruction to candidates prior to taking this exam. Shoe Displays: A consensus on Shoe displays resulted in a clear decision that the emphasis will be on correct forging of modifications, rather than on the dimensions of shoes. Written Exam: After an active debate on verbiage, it was decided that a few questions will be changed on the written exams. Endorsements: The Certification Committee voted to create a “specialty forging” endorsement to be presented to the AFA BoD at the mid-year meeting in Chattanooga, TN. Pat Gallahan volunteered to take over and revive the “educators endorsement” for CJF‘s. Pat will oversee the development of the test and protocol to earn this special endorsement. New Examiners: Alice Johnson, Bob Medaris, Jason Harmeson, David Wright & Vince Vesley are now AFA Examiners. By now every AFA member should have a copy of the study guide, it was mailed with the Professional Farrier. If you need additional copies contact the AFA Office directly.
Membership & Mentoring: As of July 1st, the AFA opened its doors to serious students of farriery by offering a FREE Student Membership to individuals that have completed a 6-week+ farrier course. So far, the AFA has welcomed over 100 new members as a result of this program designed to help new farriers continue their education and gain access to all the AFA has to offer.
For our trade to thrive and association grow, it is critical that our experienced members rally around new student members to share their knowledge and resources. Collectively, the AFA represents many 100’s of years of farriery know-how; it is a priceless asset to the future of the farrier industry and the equine community. These new student members are the next generation of Olympic horseshoers, innovators in hoof care, leaders in equine welfare & safety, World Champion Competitors and all that we can contribute to educating them by sharing our own experiences in the forge and under hoof. Toward that end, I will be proposing a Mentoring Program which will assign each new student member an AFA mentor from their immediate area. This will require seasoned members to volunteer time and take new student members under their wing. To this day, my practice benefits from the lessons and guidance I received from elder members, whether it be words shared in a hallway at Convention, a correction on a Certification or a hand helping mine across the anvil; I can tell you, the wisdom of shared experience is priceless to a student’s future. The best thing the AFA has to offer is the expertise of its members and I feel a Mentoring Program is the best way to share it. That’s all for now!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Web worth waiting for......
See for yourself at
As always, I'd value your feedback.
Friday, June 20, 2008
It's about the Farrier ...
My Statement, "It is incumbent upon us as an association to be the best skilled craftsman we can be, to not just know what we do…but why we do it and be able to articulate it with a clear, concise and unified voice. This will create the next generation of real farriers, …not just installers of keg shoes," is not about the use of keg shoes, it is about the skill set needed by the farrier who is applying keg shoes. No box of shoes can replace the skill and knowledge of an educated farrier. Keg shoes are fine, but they will not do a horse justice if they are not applied as part of a total plan put together by a highly educated hoof care professional who takes into account ALL of the aspects to properly fit and apply that shoe.
So if you feel that you were under attack for using keg shoes, you were mistaken. It is thought, education, skill and understanding that are the hallmarks of real farriers whether applying plastic, plywood, handmade or keg shoes.
Simply stated: It is the Farrier that makes the job not the materials!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Continued Dialogue ... AFA May Board Meeting
In that spirit, the BoD was able to dissect, question and approve the 08-09 budget in less than 4 hours! At the same time the BoD elected John Blombach to fill the Office of Treasurer which was left vacant when Rick Burten resigned in March. John had served as the AFA treasurer for past 3 years and was instrumental in the successful development of the 08-09 budget.
Several By-law changes were passed, the most celebrated being that the Secretary of the AFA no longer must be a member of the BoD. I have appointed Thom Gabel to fill this position during my tenure as President as has done an excellent job for the past year keeping all AFA minutes and agendas in order. Thom also serves as our Member Benefits Chair.
Membership numbers continue to hold steady and were an item of revenue very closely scrutinized in the budget. As an association we must be very aware of what we offer our members and continue to make their investment in the AFA worthwhile. For many of members, including myself, the biggest AFA benefit of AFA membership has always been the education and mentoring opportunities. Not surprisingly, it is one of the least expensive to offer. In the trying economic times that we are facing we should look to strengthen the AFA by designing educational opportunities from one member to another. I would encourage the chapters and all members to pro-actively get involved in sharing our most important asset; the knowledge of our members.
It is incumbent upon us as an association to be the best skilled craftsman we can be, to not just know what we do…but why we do it and be able to articulate it with a clear, concise and unified voice. This will create the next generation of real farriers, …not just installers of keg shoes.
Okay, back to the voice of the Board! When I queried the BoD for their own take on specific AFA matters and they shared their thoughts and feedback with candor -- not all flattering! -- and some very constructive suggestions. Some of the suggestions have already been put into action. Others will take time and, frankly, commitment from those of us who have the power to create positive change. The desire to continue this direct dialogue is what led to the idea for me to write my own blog. Now when it comes to blogs, Web 2.0 strategies and social networking, I confess that I am a neophyte. I can barely keep up when discussing these issues with my millennial generation kids. But the correspondence I have received since taking office -- which came from all over the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Europe -- reinforced my belief that technology and the Internet specifically can change the farrier industry and improve the lives of farriers in ways we never dreamed. So every week or so, I'll be filling you in on my personal farrier experiences and seeking your feedback on AFA issues that consume much of my time.
Tomorrow I fly to Oklahoma for three days of tester updates. Next week, I'll fill you in on some of the subjects we discussed and seek your opinion on the issues that impact you in some way or another.
Stay tuned for more and I look forward to hearing from you.